【2024 Earthquake Guidebook in JAPAN】If I were to encounter an earthquake…

Hello, this is Tomoemon.

In the past few days, many earthquakes have occurred near Chiba, Japan. Even people who have experienced earthquakes since they were small children get “scared” when there are a series of earthquakes or big ones in the same area. Those who are not used to earthquakes, who are visiting on vacation, are even more scared.

The Noto Peninsula earthquake that struck over New Year’s Day was particularly shocking. Therefore, I would like to introduce about “earthquake preparedness” for those who are not used to all earthquakes, because I think it is good to be prepared for earthquakes.

I apologize if I have posted a wrong translation, as there are many difficult words in this article.






Earthquakes occur all the time.(地震は常に起こっている)

According to earthquake information provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency and other sources, earthquakes are occurring in various parts of Japan, albeit on a small scale.


(引用:YaHoo!JAPAN 天気・災害様より)

I personally think that the magnitude of earthquake that I can feel is from intensity 3 (M2.5 or higher). But sometimes, even if the seismic intensity is 2, I still wonder if it is an earthquake. I sometimes feel “earthquake” even when the seismic intensity is 2.


What happens in an earthquake.(今までの地震で起きたこと)

A building is destroyed.  (建物が壊れる)

TSUNAMI  (津波がくる)

Have a road break. (道が壊れる)

 Fire.  (火事になる)

If I were to encounter an earthquake. もし日本滞在時に地震に遭ったら

When in a building. (建物の中にいるとき)

  1. Move away from anything that looks like it might fall over.    倒れそうなもののそばを離れる
  2. After the tremors subside, check emergency exits and follow staff instructions.  通常の出入り口が使用できない場合があるため、揺れが落ち着いたら非常口の確認、スタッフの指示に従う
  3. Defend one’s head.  頭を守る

When you are on a train or subway.(電車や地下鉄に乗っているとき)

  1. Hold on to the handrail in case of a sudden stop.  電車は揺れを感じたら急停車するため、手すりやつり革へ捕まり急停車に備える
  2. Follow directions. 乗務員の指示に従う
  3. Evacuate to the outdoors.  屋外へ速やかに避難する

When you are near a river or the ocean.(川や、海の近くにいるとき)

  1. Leave the waterfront immediately. 津波警報などのアラームが出ていなくても、とても危険なのですぐに水辺から離れる
  2. Run to higher ground. 高台へ逃げる
  3. Life is our top priority. Instagramや、Xのために絶対に水辺へは戻ってはいけない!

When riding in an elevator.(エレベーターに乗っているとき)

  1. Press all the buttons on the elevator. エレベーターのボタンを全て押す
  2. As soon as the door opens, get out of there. ドアが開いたらそこからすぐに降りる
  3. Use the stairs to escape outside. 階段を使って外へ逃げる



Power may be cut off after the earthquake, and credit cards and cashless payments may not be available. For this reason, I recommend that you carry a small amount of cash.


Locate the embassy of your home country.(母国の大使館の場所の確認をしておく)

Many embassies are located in the 23 wards of Tokyo, so it is a good idea to check their locations. After all, in the event of a major disaster outside of your home country, you will be able to rely on the embassy of your home country.

For your information, the German Embassy is located in Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo.



Bring shoes.(旅行の荷物の中に靴を準備しておく)

We will be wearing sandals more often in the spring and in the summer. I recommend that you bring at least one pair of shoes with you, as you may injure your toes if you only wear sandals.


Important Japanese for Disasters.(地震時に大切な日本語)

As Hagemaru often says, the Japanese language is complex. It is also rich in expression. Therefore, several words are sometimes used to describe a single action.Please check this one.



Protect one’s head.(頭を守る)

In the event of a major tremor, objects may fly or fall from unexpected places. Please protect your head first.


Check with others around you to see what’s going on.(周りの人に状況を確認する)

What just happened?

今何が起きていますか?=Ima nani ga okiteimasuka?

●Where can I escape to?

どこへ逃げたらいいですか?=Doko he nigetara iidesuka?

● I have been injured. Where is the hospital?

怪我をしました。病院はどこですか?= Kega wo shimasita. Byouin ha dokodesuka?

Check the phone number of the place where you will be staying.(宿泊しているホテルがあれば電話番号の登録を!)

If you have a hotel where you are staying, we recommend that you register your emergency contact number on your smart phone for the duration of your stay. You may be called to confirm your safety in the event of an emergency.


Actions after the earthquake.(地震がおさまった後の行動)


Listen to the TV or radio for announcements! Or, check with others around you to find out what is happening. Immediately after a major earthquake, it will be difficult to connect to the Internet.



  • TSUNAMI! Takai tokoro !  津波がくる!高いところへ逃げて!
  • NIGETE! 逃げて!

Blackout.  (無駄にスマートフォンを使わない)

In the event of a power outage after an earthquake, electricity is a very valuable source of energy. Please stay off your smartphones as much as possible.


How to spend time at the shelter.(避難場所が開いた時の対応)

Please take off your shoes.  (避難所のほとんどは土足厳禁です)

A shelter is a “place to escape. Many shelters prohibit the use of shoes, so please be sure to remove your shoes.


Follow management’s instructions.(避難所の管理者の指示に従う)

I will use a shelter in my area as an example, but there is probably someone in the position of administrator in setting up the shelter. Please follow the instructions of that person.


Summary.  まとめ

Japan has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. There is also delicious food.
There is also a lot of fun culture such as anime and video game arcades. I think it would be safer and more enjoyable if you also look up information on earthquakes and other disasters when planning your trip.

Thank you!



最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました😊 Thank you.✨


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